Wednesday 18 January 2012

Is job hunting fun?

As i mentioned in my first blog post i am currently job hunting, now as most of this has been done whilst off sick, it has meant the use of the world wide web.

Brilliant i can lay in my sick bed and not only search but apply for every job in a thirty mile radius of my home address.

My preferred site has decided on an ad campaign over the last week, and dear god what a load of rubbish it is

Now some people might think it was genius, but if i wasn't looking for a job it wouldn't make me rush to log on ....

The chappy waving his wand around an office making people cheerleaders and surgeons .... get real ....

Being on the open job market is hard enough work without making a mockery of how hard it is to change your direction at any stage in your life.

Reed i would suggest you find something a little more "professional" and reflect just how important job hunting is to people like me!

1 comment:

  1. the joy of job hunting i will joining you job hunting soon when my daughter starts school,
